We all know how depression works. It continually keeps us isolated and digging that hole just a little deeper. And one of the problems which we have is to find a group for those who want to be a member of our fellowship. We do have a solution.
We have enlarged our Home Study program so that anyone who wants to join and participate online can do so. We are now taking registrations (just mail us at [email protected] saying you want to be a participant.)
The first thing to do is go to our website at https://depressedanon.com and click onto Menu at HOME STUDY PROGRAM. Here you will be able to learn in more detail what the Home Study involves.
Secondly, there is an excellent testimonial from Kim at Newsletters (The Antidepressant Tablet Vol.1) about the benefits from her working the Steps with a sponsor. Clicking onto The Depressed Anonymous Publications Bookstore will give you a better idea of what is involved.
We have members of our fellowship who are willing to provide assistance for those who want to use the Workbook and Manual for their own personal recovery. Hopefully this Home Study will enable them to start a group in their own community after having completed the work
There are no fees or dues for this sponsorship. But if your recovery is the most important priority then I do believe you will have a tried and true method of recovery, using the spiritual principles of the Twelve Steps. If purchasing the two books is a problem for you, please let us know. The Publisher has made the two books available with Ebooks. All communication between sponsor and participant will take place via emails.
This is a commitment on your part if you want us to sponsor you. I personally have been in recovery for 35 years and this path has definitely given me peace, sobriety and serenity.
Hugh, for the Depressed Anonymous fellowship